An adventure to pursue

An adventure to pursue

Hide from edges.

Ignore the gaps

turn away 

and act like

you’re just fine. 

You don’t need to grow.

You’re just fine without

a harvest.

You don’t need to 

produce like others do.

It’s fine for them – 

but you’re


Just fine.

Even if I yell it – 

it’s no longer true.

Somehow fine has become




How did this happen?

I was so comfortable.

I was just fine. 

And then I went and made 

friends who stand on the 

edge and figure out 

how to get across. 

I’m friends with 

people who do brave 

things every day. 

Did I really think I

would continue to be

just fine?

It’s a good thing I find

myself pursuing edges.

I am where I am

supposed to be;

it’s good that what 

has always been 

is no longer 

good enough.

Friends should challenge

you to grow, 

to sit on the edge

and see what 

you are meant for – 

not just what’s 

always been. 

Thanks, friends,

for pursuing your own

edges and for not

shying away from brave.

Thanks for helping me realize 

that gaps aren’t something 

to hide from,

but rather – 

an adventure to pursue.


1) Do you have friends in your circle that push you to grow and seek out edges? If yes, who? Tell them thank you. If no, it’s time to add to your circle of friends.

2) How do you encourage and support your friends to pursue their best?

Identify the Gaps: Recurring Conversations

Identify the Gaps: Recurring Conversations

Check out last week’s post about pain points as well as the introduction to the series.

In the past, my tendency was to see an edge in the distance and to do a 180 degree turn in the opposite direction. It didn’t matter if going in the other direction was taking me away from where I was supposed to be – the edge is where I am weak, and so the best plan would be to walk away. This tactic only leaves me in mediocre, frustrated that I am where I’ve always been. I’ve discovered there is another way. What I need to do is that walk to the edge, name the gap and then determine the next brave steps necessary to get from where I am to where I am meant to be. The gap is simply an opportunity for growth. This tactic helps me get unstuck and puts me in motion – towards what I am meant for. 

So, I thought it might be useful to 

talk about identifying the edges.

So we can identify gaps.

So we can grow into our potential.

An Edge: On Repeat

A passionate chat with a friend.

A challenging conversation with 

your significant other. 

A monologue for your therapist.

The books we read, 

the headlines that get our attention…

So often what we talk 

about and what we read,

point to a growth opportunity.

“We’ve talked about this before!” 

can also mean I’ve been stuck in 

this same place for too long. 

“Why am I drawn to the 

same stories again and again?”

can indicate there’s more 

to your own story that needs

to be explored.

What is it that connects them all?

What is the common factor?

What is the article pushing on?

What are the conversations

that seem to be on repeat?

What is the growth opportunity that is 

consistently put before you?

Maybe the perspective 

of people of color

and marginalized people

is something that keeps 

coming up for you.

Lean in.

Or maybe the topic is your anger that

seems to be a steaming kettle

just on the edge of boiling.

Lean in.

Perhaps what seems to be on 

repeat is the fractured relationship 

you have with your mom 

and how it impacts

your life today.

Lean in.

Take a step towards growth.

You have permission

to grow.

Acknowledge that there’s 

room to change,

room to understand 

and also realize

that you aren’t alone.

Others near you lean in

to growth,

lean into a shift

in perspective.

You’re in good company.

See the gaps before you

and step into them

on solid footing 

knowing that 

growing is

what you are meant to do.

What topic keeps coming up for you? What conversation is on repeat? Lean in and choose to grow. #PermissionGranted

Have you seen Audacity? Send her my way, please.

Have you seen Audacity? Send her my way, please.


I think they are for other people.

Or just not for me.

Not the big ones, anyway.

I get excited when I cross something 

off my list for the day… 

I see others accomplishing

big audacious things

And I think to myself…

“I wish that was me.”


“Why do they get to do that cool thing?”

And then I get jealous that 

someone else is doing what I want to do

and then also at the same time

I get mad at myself for not 

stepping up and doing 

what is possible. 

It is a little convoluted.

My emotions, doubts and assumptions 

end up all tangled together

and tied up in knots. 

This keeps me bound to where I am – 

where I will always be.

So I am calling myself out. 

Big goals are for me, too. 

They aren’t only for everyone else.

Others pursue their goals 

scared and unsure. 

They are uncertain of how 

it is all going to go.

The final result isn’t 

guaranteed and they still move forward.

We can do hard, scary things. 

Do you doubt that?

Are you waiting for approval?

Waiting for the right moment?

I’ve decided it is now.

I will move forward scared.

I will move forward though I am uncertain.

I will move even though success isn’t guaranteed. 

Maybe this is you, too. 


watching others meet their goals

and wishing it was you. 

You can move forward scared.

You can move forward though you are uncertain.

You can move even though success isn’t guaranteed.

Let’s be audacious, together. 

Permission, granted. 

Name one of your audacious goals. Go ahead and write it down, say it out loud or tell a trusted friend. Or email me! And then? Start working. Big goals are for you, too.

I need to see the reminder every single day

I need to see the reminder every single day

For over 365 days a reminder has popped up on my phone from my son. 

It says:

I see it a couple times a day either on my computer or phone. 

And I need the reminder every single day. 

Of course I need to hear it from him,

hear him say the words in his sweet voice.

But this little reminder

each day is the best thing ever. 

The details say:

repeat  Every Day

end  Never

priority  High 

The reminder has been a gift to my heart.

So many times the reminder has  

pulled me from negativity 

and doubtful wallowings. 

Sometimes I click, 

remind me again in 5 minutes

if its been a rough day. 

repeat  Every Day

end  Never

priority  High

And so the thought came to me

to add another reminder.

This one will say:

Seek and you will find –

a reminder to seek to know more 

about the one who loves me most.

Because so often I find myself on 

empty because I am not seeking –

or because I am seeking that which 

cannot sustain me. 

If there’s something you 

fight to remember,

a truth that seems to get swallowed by lies,

a promise that your mind tries to negate –

make a reminder on your phone. 

Because —  

Why not?

Why not be reminded of what

you must always remember?

Our hearts get crowded and 

we forget what is true,

we forget how loved we are.

We forget how capable we are. 

We forget our worth and who 

determines our worth.

So go ahead and

help yourself out. 

repeat  Every Day

end  Never

priority  High


   What will your reminder say? Go and put the reminder on your phone right now! And be sure to choose these details repeat Every Day, end Never, priority High.


A moment of irresistible in the in between

A moment of irresistible in the in between

I’m not a big fan of in between.

I don’t like the awkward, 

the not there yet – 

the ending and not yet beginning.

A few days ago I found myself 

in the in between 

and I smiled

pleased to find an intermediate spot of perfect.

I didn’t really think this existed. 

A not here and not there where I felt I belonged – 

A spot that didn’t make me wish for next, end, new. 

It was this moment. 

A moment of balance found in the 

here: summer and

 not yet: fall.

An in between where I felt at home

with a longing only for what already was. 

Sun, sandals and crunchy leaves combined 

to make in between look irresistible and downright cozy.

It was hard to walk away from that.

And it should be noted that it occurred in front 

of a place that brings me stress. 

A place where I don’t always feel I belong. 

A place where I feel the grit and tension of in between.

It seemed a small gift this intimate place of 

sublime in between.

It was hard to leave. 

But I carry it with me.

I will remember that I can

find joy in the 

in between —

not only longing.


Outside the box

Outside the box

I stepped out of my box today.

And guess what.

It was awesome.

I’ve done that a few times this week, actually.

I think what it might be is that I have surrounded myself with

people who routinely step outside of the box.

Maybe, just maybe, some of their bravery

and gumption is rubbing off on this

timid spirit.

And guess what?

I am having fun.

It’s not near as bad as I thought it would be.

I think it’s also a lot about being comfortable

in your own skin and knowing that if you

step out and try something and

you really don’t like it…

You can say,

“I really don’t like this”.

And boom.

That’s it – you don’t ever have to go

dirt biking again

or eat calamari again.

There’s fun outside of the box,

it’s not all scary.

And I am The Queen of Tentative.

So if I am reveling in my travels

outside of the box then

you know it is safe to give it a go.

Now I know that there might be a time

when I step out of the box,

skin my knee

and limp for a week.

It’s possible and likely…

that my heart and my knees will need some bandaids.

But I jumped.

And jumping and needing

a bandaid or two

is better than not jumping.

Not surprisingly, I like the way that Brene Brown says this:

“I don’t leap or jump for the landing. I leap for the experience through the air because you cannot predict the landing. When you get to the place where standing on the edge is more painful than risking a failure – I think you owe it to yourself and the world to leap.”

I am trying to get better at enjoying the leap in the air.

I think the scary part of it all talks me into staying on the ledge.

If I can remind my heart to jump for the experience

and not the landing then perhaps

I can enjoy the hang time.

I believe it is worth giving it a go.

  1. What is keeping you on the edge? What keeps you from leaping? Expectations? Commitments? Perfection? Let’s name it, step through it, work through it and leap despite it’s existence.


Listen to Season 1 Ep 12 of Magic Lessons at the link below.

Magic Lessons