

I’ve told myself all kinds of mean lies in order to avoid being myself. 

I’ve asked the wrong questions and given incorrect answers.

What if people think I’m lame?

What if others think my my opinions are so very wrong?

What if I’m myself and no one thinks that I’m anything special –

wouldn’t that be the ultimate failure? 

I’ve struggled to embrace my passion, purpose, and possibilities because I doubted that I was capable of much at all.

I’ve been stuck in a place where I couldn’t even be myself – doesn’t that sound awful?


It is.


And unfortunately, it’s a place I revisit, way too often.

Do you find yourself visiting a place of doubt that causes you to question your purpose, passion, possibilities?

I’m creating a place for all of us here, in this little spot on the internet,

to have space to understand that you can 

be who you are, 

right where you are. 

You are called to take up your space and embrace your passion, purpose, and possibilities. 


Because I was wrong about ultimate failure.

Failure is not believing and embracing that you were created on purpose, for a purpose. 

Failure is not taking up your space by pursuing all that you are meant for. 

So I invite you to cozy up here and find 

strength for brave

and discover or be reminded again

that permission was granted 

for you to be you, long ago. 

Step into permission granted, friend. 

I’m right there with you!



In case you are wondering, a bit more about me:

I’ve been married for 20 years and am mom to three little people who are growing to be less little every day. The dog, the cat, and my four immediate family members all do their part to chisel me into the person that I have the potential to be. I enjoy coffee, music, chocolate, shopping, laughing, reading, writing, and sometimes running but never cleaning. Just keeping it real. Thanks for joining me here. And if you find yourself with a bit of mess around you, a list of things to do, a strong desire for a chocolate snack of some sort, passion in your heart and a song stuck in your head – that’s right where I am, too. I think we will be great friends. I love hearing from people on the same journey I am on, the journey of discovering that oftentimes we are holding ourselves back, because after all, permission has already been granted. Email me to say hi, I promise you will hear back from me.