Hi! I’m Bethany

And I believe WORDS have POWER.

Your ideas linger on the edge of your brain like a distant melody that you can’t quite hear.

You try to get quiet. You put headphones on to block out all the noise. But you still can’t grasp the song.

What if you had someone to sit with and help you hear your ideas?

Someone to coax the melody from the edges of your mind and heart and out onto the page?

What if someone could help you to not only hear the melody, but also determine the notes, define the rhythm and help you decide the words? 

What if a good listener would sit with you and lend their own ideas as a harmony to whatever you are working on?


The end result?

Your idea out of your head, on paper.

Get unstuck and elevate your impact. 

Share your words with a world that needs to hear your message, your song.



This is progress. 

This is Permission to Post.

About Bethany

Bethany loves coffee, dark chocolate, laughing, music, food, and a great deal.

However, nothing is better than when she’s able to be just a small part of helping someone to pursue their purpose, passion, and possibility. Bethany has the heart of an encourager and she brings this into her work with her clients.

She loves the creative process and the synergy that happens when ideas clash together and make a beautiful song! One of Bethany’s identified strengths is that of a developer – she is quick to see potential and zero in on how to strengthen the impact your words have. Bethany has a creative streak that primarily surfaces through ideation and writing (please don’t ask her to draw or decorate a cake).

She believes that sometimes we need someone to come alongside us and help us reach all that we are meant for – she’s had people do that for her and it’s her honor to do that for others. She believes you have permission to post and wants to help you hit publish, she wants the world to hear your song!

Work with Me

Get unstuck:

Creative Brainstorming

For any place you feel stuck…

Get unstuck. Nothing is more frustrating than being stuck. Let’s explore your message, your words, and your ideas from a fresh perspective.

 Get laser-focused on creativity and walk away with tangible ideas for your current project. This is time set aside to think outside of the box in a safe place to create.


Package Options:

1) 50 minute Zoom call & Summary  – $60 

>>> Use this option to brainstorm a tagline, a freebie, or content ideas 

2) 2 week unlimited Voxing between hours of                                                     10 am – 3 pm EST      Monday – Friday – $325

>>> Use this option to work through a project and complete it!




Elevate your impact:

Developmental Editing

For a blog post, website copy, ecourse or article that is already written

Your voice needs to be heard – whether through social media, blog posts, or website copy. Let’s elevate your impact by making sure your voice, your message, your impact rings loud and clear in whatever your current project is.

Service Includes:
Send me a Loom video or a Vox message to explain where you are with your project.

I will work with your piece and make suggestions and then we can Zoom, Loom or Vox message to walk you through my suggestions.

Package Options:

 1) One blog post or small piece: $100

2) 3 blog posts or a longer piece: $200

3) Ecourses: $600-$1000                                                                                              >>>(depends on scope of project) 

4) Website copy: $75 per page 

Recent Recommendations

Brainstorming with Bethany helped me see my next steps. I was so caught up in one small aspect of my business model, that I was missing a bigger audience. In that 1 hour session I moved my idea from concept to working plan. If you are looking to move forward, book a brainstorming session with Bethany.

Mary Snyder

As a communications professional, I make my living from writing and editing for others. When it comes to my own writing, though, I struggle to find help. Nobody wants to be an editor’s editor. When I found Bethany Howard, I struck gold. Not only is she not intimidated by my resume, but she is a passionate advocate for my audience. She’s tireless in her efforts to ensure that the words I write and say are carefully crafted to serve my readers. I’ve used her developmental editing services to create blog posts and series, live video broadcasts, keynotes and workshop presentations. Whether I’m trying to educate, motivate or inspire, Bethany helps me to deliver every time.

Tonya Kubo

Bethany exceeded my expectations. Literally. Not only did she give me countless ways to take my business to the next level, they were each very clear steps. She also helped me focus on how to implement my personal branding going forward. 
Bethany is patient, kind, generous and very gifted. If you want help in getting unstuck in your business, writing or branding, I HIGHLY recommend you work with Bethany. I wish I would have done it sooner. She absolutely empowered me with Permission To Post!

Lauren Lucille

I hired Bethany to edit an ecourse that I had written in fits and spurts over years of mentoring, but had never presented together. She tied things together that I could not see from my vantage point because I so close to the content. She clarified concepts that I did not realize were unclear. She found repetitious clauses and sacred cows and booted them. She also made suggestions that would broaden the listener’s experience and gives my finished script the depth I was hoping for. I taped my videos last week. The finished product was easy to deliver—like a conversation. Bethany made my script infinitely better. If you are considering hiring a developmental editor, hire Bethany. She took as much pride in my work as I do —and that is a gift!

Chris Moss

free Discovery Call!

Get unstuck! Book a 15 minute session with Bethany to discover your next steps.