Bloom for real

Bloom for real

I planted silk flowers

in my garden 

in my quest for beauty.

They don’t fool


for long. 

They look

garish and cheap

even when the 

sun shines.

When I make a show

and water 

their plastic roots with 

my polkadot watering can

they are still dead.

It’s not real beauty.

Counterfeit beauty

is an illusion

with nothing to offer. 

Real beauty doesn’t 

have a shortcut.

Real beauty 

has depth and grit.

Real beauty 

plants seeds, 

spawns life,

shares sustenance,

spreads joy. 

I will do the work.

I will bloom 

for real. 


How will you cultivate real beauty within?

Set your permissions

Set your permissions

Have you noticed

that our world

requires us to 

set permissions?

In order for something 

to work for us, 

we have to 

to give it the go ahead

to work with the other 

things in our lives

so that it can do for us

what it is supposed to do. 

If we don’t set permissions –

the app, the program, 

the new high-tech watch 

will never work as they

are intended to work. 

We, as humans, also 

have permissions 

that we need to set.

Set your permissions for

what influences you,

who has access to you,

what you will give your energy to, and

how much disrespect is too much. 

Set your permissions so 

that what is in your life is 

working with you, 

not against you. 



Is there evidence?

Is there evidence?

Dappled light highlights

the shapes made by the

peeling bark on the

crepe myrtle trees.

I go for a closer look.

I am enamored 

by the light, 

by the tree.

Its cracking, 

its peeling.

I’m in awe of 

the metamorphosis 

of such a large specimen.

This is how it grows.

Crepe myrtles 

shed last year’s bark 

every summer.

I inspect myself. 

Am I peeling off 

the constraints 

of where I was?

Is my heart 

busting out of 

last year

and making room

for new growth?

I can see how the 

crepe myrtle has 


Is there evidence

that I’ve transformed?

Are there


that indicate I 

am a growing girl?


A tinge of sweet

A tinge of sweet

It belongs –

but it doesn’t.

Wrong temperatures, 

wrong soil, 

incorrect amount of precipitation

and yet…

the pineapple

seems to be quite

happy here 

in Georgia soil.

It’s wrong, but it is right.

It’s unexpected, 


and sweet at the 

same time. 


well, perhaps, 

more than I would like,

I find myself in the 

midst of unexpected. 

It feels wrong all 

the way around.

I can’t make 

any sense out of it. 

It makes as much sense

as a pineapple

growing in 

Georgia clay. 

I have to let go of 

the desire for 

all to make sense to me.

There are things 

I do not know and

I can’t see what’s ahead.

When I let go of 

what I expect, 

when I embrace 

what is, 






meets me there.

I’ll give myself

permission to 

look for it. 


Sown in the Unknown

Sown in the Unknown



something grew. 

I don’t remember 

planting, watering 

or fertilizing the

fruit I am holding.

At some point


found good soil, 

put down roots,

grew green shoots, 

blossomed and now

I have fruit.

I am astounded 

to be holding fruit.

When did this germinate?

I trace back the 

origin of the gift 

of sweet harvest

and discover it was

planted during 

one of the hardest,

driest, most challenging 

seasons I’ve ever experienced. 

I am baffled and I weep

due to the friction of the 

joy scraping against 

grief and pain.

I was unaware 

there would be

a harvest.

There’s no way to know

what will be sown 

in the unknown.



Friends, there will be growth, even in the middle of a pandemic, stay present and try to have an open heart and mind. Be prepared to be surprised by a harvest.

Veil of fog

Veil of fog


Thick, real.

Joy and hope

play a game

of hide and seek

I did not ask

to participate in.

The future holds

question marks –

so many unknowns…

The fog

clouds vision,

tangles emotion,

and I just want to


The swath

of clouds hangs

over every area of life

and I wonder

if this veil will

lift and what life

will look like

when it does.

Where is the sun?

Has the fog

smothered hope?

I look down

to see there’s

a rope in my hand.

I am tethered.

I am not lost

to the fog.

I will cling

to what is

holding me.

