Hope made a way

Hope made a way

The pieces don’t fit. 

I want to finish

this puzzle so that 

it makes sense. 

It’s a mess and there are 

pieces missing

so I am not sure

why I keep going. 

I am losing hope

that I will ever see

the complete picture.

I am missing pieces. 

I am not where I 

thought I would be

or maybe who 

I thought I would be. 

Nothing feels complete and

I don’t have hope that 

this puzzle, this life

can be redeemed.

I sift through pieces,

I look for hope,

I get out a magnifying glass

to aid my search. 

Tears of frustration

make it difficult to see as

I try to match things up. 

I sense someone beside me.

He shifts the magnifying glass

so that I can see 

the strong 

thread holding the 

pieces together 

where there’s a piece missing. 

Hope fills in the gap.

He shows me 

that beauty exists

where I see only chaos.

He sees what I cannot. 

He shows me that hope

touches each piece

of the puzzle –

even though I can’t

see a picture coming 

together at all.

He asks me to trust 

that my story 

will have 

beauty and glory – 

hope has made a way.



A tinge of sweet

A tinge of sweet

It belongs –

but it doesn’t.

Wrong temperatures, 

wrong soil, 

incorrect amount of precipitation

and yet…

the pineapple

seems to be quite

happy here 

in Georgia soil.

It’s wrong, but it is right.

It’s unexpected, 


and sweet at the 

same time. 


well, perhaps, 

more than I would like,

I find myself in the 

midst of unexpected. 

It feels wrong all 

the way around.

I can’t make 

any sense out of it. 

It makes as much sense

as a pineapple

growing in 

Georgia clay. 

I have to let go of 

the desire for 

all to make sense to me.

There are things 

I do not know and

I can’t see what’s ahead.

When I let go of 

what I expect, 

when I embrace 

what is, 






meets me there.

I’ll give myself

permission to 

look for it. 


Veil of fog

Veil of fog


Thick, real.

Joy and hope

play a game

of hide and seek

I did not ask

to participate in.

The future holds

question marks –

so many unknowns…

The fog

clouds vision,

tangles emotion,

and I just want to


The swath

of clouds hangs

over every area of life

and I wonder

if this veil will

lift and what life

will look like

when it does.

Where is the sun?

Has the fog

smothered hope?

I look down

to see there’s

a rope in my hand.

I am tethered.

I am not lost

to the fog.

I will cling

to what is

holding me.










See the miracles

See the miracles

The sun shines on my back

while the moon’s glow

lights up my face.

It is still daytime

but the moon

arrived early.

I love it when

the moon appears

in the sky at the same

time as the sun.

It’s two miracles at once.

The sun to grow life.

the moon to

light up the


There is light

no matter which

way I am facing.

I am covered

no matter

which way I

orient myself.

I am surrounded by

care and provision

and I am

overwhelmed by love.

And this,

this is the

third miracle.


It’s the same moon

It’s the same moon

The full moon was breath-taking last night when I saw it playing hide and seek behind some leafless trees.
It took my breath away because it was

so low,

so gigantic,

so faithful,

so unassuming.

Then, this morning it was low in the sky as I took my daughter to school. We embraced the moments we had with it and we kept looking for it as we made our way through the stoplights.

“There it is, again!”

“It’s like a sticker, it’s so perfect!”

And then it was quiet.

I am sitting at a traffic light.

Looking at the moon, trying not to feel.

I want to be present and not lean into

I am tired. I have questions. I am overwhelmed.

My girl doesn’t know all of these things.

And she doesn’t know how her shared excitement about the moon encouraged me to take a deep breath.

I am brought back to the present when I hear her sweet voice coming from the back of the car.

(She’s a singer, like her mama.)

She’s singing:

Away in a manger, no crib for his bed,

The little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head;

The stars in the heavens looked down where he lay,

The little Lord Jesus, asleep on the hay.

The cattle are lowing; the poor baby wakes,

But little Lord Jesus, no crying he makes.

I love thee, Lord Jesus; look down from the sky

And stay by my cradle till morning is nigh.

Be near me, Lord Jesus; I ask thee to stay

Close by me forever, and love me, I pray.

Bless all the dear children in thy tender care,

And fit us for heaven to live with thee there.

And I look at the moon.

And I hear her song…

It’s the same moon.

The moon before me is the same moon that was in the sky at the birth of Jesus.

The same light was in the sky when he came so that we could stay close forever.

The tired, overwhelmed feelings I have are in part, a result of the pain that comes with stretching, with growth, and then partly due to being here on this earth with the wrongs that run rampant.

He’s fitting me for heaven – challenging the parts of me that need to change and he’s also placed within me a longing for his kingdom here on earth – I am reminded that he invites me to be a part of that work.

And again, I feel loved, seen, heard.

It’s the same moon

so low,

so gigantic,

so faithful,

so unassuming.


A thrill of hope

A thrill of hope

A thrill of hope

caught me by surprise. 

I didn’t recognize it at first. 

It was a beautiful sunset, yes, 

but I’ve seen them before. 

But this one was


full of  

saturated color 

in shades of 






It cycled through colors

in time with breath.

Breath in. 

Breath out. 

A new shade. 

I couldn’t look away. 

And then at one point, 

I wouldn’t look away. 

I took a detour to get

more time with the colors. 

When I arrived home

I told the kids to run upstairs

to see the show in the sky.

It’s then I remember that 

my day started with 

a gorgeous sunrise.

And now the perfect bookend:

a sunset painted 

in the sky,

with liquid color.  

Visually astounding,

but also a cacophony



Color ushers in 






You never let me forget. 
