The pieces don’t fit. 

I want to finish

this puzzle so that 

it makes sense. 

It’s a mess and there are 

pieces missing

so I am not sure

why I keep going. 

I am losing hope

that I will ever see

the complete picture.

I am missing pieces. 

I am not where I 

thought I would be

or maybe who 

I thought I would be. 

Nothing feels complete and

I don’t have hope that 

this puzzle, this life

can be redeemed.

I sift through pieces,

I look for hope,

I get out a magnifying glass

to aid my search. 

Tears of frustration

make it difficult to see as

I try to match things up. 

I sense someone beside me.

He shifts the magnifying glass

so that I can see 

the strong 

thread holding the 

pieces together 

where there’s a piece missing. 

Hope fills in the gap.

He shows me 

that beauty exists

where I see only chaos.

He sees what I cannot. 

He shows me that hope

touches each piece

of the puzzle –

even though I can’t

see a picture coming 

together at all.

He asks me to trust 

that my story 

will have 

beauty and glory – 

hope has made a way.
