Set your permissions

Set your permissions

Have you noticed

that our world

requires us to 

set permissions?

In order for something 

to work for us, 

we have to 

to give it the go ahead

to work with the other 

things in our lives

so that it can do for us

what it is supposed to do. 

If we don’t set permissions –

the app, the program, 

the new high-tech watch 

will never work as they

are intended to work. 

We, as humans, also 

have permissions 

that we need to set.

Set your permissions for

what influences you,

who has access to you,

what you will give your energy to, and

how much disrespect is too much. 

Set your permissions so 

that what is in your life is 

working with you, 

not against you. 



Don’t forget to breathe

Don’t forget to breathe

When it seems like 

joy is hiding,

When it seems

laughter is 

A risk you can’t afford.

When you question

whether you can 

smile without lying,

don’t forget to breathe. 




Just be.

It is okay to be angry. 

In fact, you should

be mad.

Just don’t sit in it,

instead, let it fuel you.

It’s not wrong to be frustrated,

just don’t let it lead to bitter.

Don’t feel like you need to 

pretend you are ‘just fine’.

Our world is far from

‘just fine’.

So probably,

no one can claim that.

And if you can, 

well… that’s another post entirely. 

Let’s not pretend that 

we are okay 

and good with things

as they are. 

Let’s strive for more.

Let’s demand better.

Let’s pursue 

thriving for all.

When it seems like 

joy is hiding,

When it seems

laughter is 

A risk you can’t afford.

When you question

whether you can 

smile without lying,

don’t forget to breathe. 




I’m here. 

Beside you. 





Take my hand.

Let’s get to work.



The song of humanity.

The song of humanity.

The trees, the dolphins, and

the mountains call to me

and demand to be seen.

I can’t look away.

The bird’s song,

the breeze, tickling the trees,

the way a flower grows

from a teeny seed.

I can’t look away.

I see their creator in them.

His design, his joy,

his creativity is in the magenta flower,

the succulents, the manatee,

the neon tree frog, and the terrapins.

They sing a song over me and

I am compelled to sing with them.

I want to join the chorus.

What are the notes?

I don’t know their song.

What are the words?

How do I join them?

Humanity has a song, too.

I can hear it

when I listen.

The song is constant –

everyone taking a breath

at a different time.

Some scream to be heard.

Some sing into a void

where no one listens.

Some are making their

own stages.

It’s hard to listen to the song because there’s

so much to grieve,

so much hurt

and righteous anger

in the song.

So much so that sometimes I try to silence it.

Headphones on.

Head down.

Just make sure

all is well in my house –

that everyone under my roof

can sing.


My song is the song of humanity.

My voice is meant to be

heard and it is meant to

amplify the song that

others are singing.

I can’t not listen to their song

and there’s no other song

for me to join in on.

I can’t look away.

They demand to be seen.

I can’t look away.

I see their creator in them.

His design, his joy,

his creativity is all

over us all.

My voice must add to

their song of long-awaited,







noise .




Be loud.

Be loud.

A friend shared that

there are voices in her life

that are discouraging. 

She told me that my voice is

an encouragement to her.

I kind of jokingly said, 

“I will keep being loud!”

And she replied,

“Yes. Be loud.”

Who needs you to



Someone does.

Or a group of people do.

And you know what?

They may not be able to 

say to you – 

“Yes. Be loud.”

They may not know your name

or where you live. 

Your significant other may 

not be able to be vulnerable 

enough to say what they need

and yet the truth remains –

your voice is needed.

We shouldn’t need a request

in order to speak

into spaces that 

need our voice. 

We need to be loud

in order to be heard 

over the deafening 

noise of 





The world needs your voice

and my voice.

We’re gonna have to shout. 

There are those who routinely

try to silence other voices –

even elected ones –

and say that they have no place

and should have no voice.

We must be louder.

There are voices telling your

friends that they are

insignificant and dispensable.

You must be loud.

Our kids are blasted

with noise –

we must be louder

than the chaos.

Use your voice.

speak up. 

Be loud.

Someone needs to

hear from you.



This space I occupy.

This space I occupy.

In honor of Rachel Held Evans. She will continue to lead through her words. For more info, click here and here.



Tune your ears to what is

true, noble, right, pure,

lovely, admirable, excellent, praiseworthy.

Fill your heart

with wisdom

that is not your own.


Sit and be quiet

and allow truth to

seep into the very

core of who you are.


Let the words come

up and out from

a heart turned to the light.


Take up your space.

Say what no one else is

saying because no one

else is saying it.

Say it because the truth

that is in your blood

can’t be contained.


Take others with you.

Make a way for them

and help them get to

where they are supposed to be.

Go back to listen.

Just keep starting over.






Its what each of us is meant for.



What do you need to lean into to learn more about?

What do you need to speak up about?

Who are you advocating for?