I’m not a big fan of in between.

I don’t like the awkward, 

the not there yet – 

the ending and not yet beginning.

A few days ago I found myself 

in the in between 

and I smiled

pleased to find an intermediate spot of perfect.

I didn’t really think this existed. 

A not here and not there where I felt I belonged – 

A spot that didn’t make me wish for next, end, new. 

It was this moment. 

A moment of balance found in the 

here: summer and

 not yet: fall.

An in between where I felt at home

with a longing only for what already was. 

Sun, sandals and crunchy leaves combined 

to make in between look irresistible and downright cozy.

It was hard to walk away from that.

And it should be noted that it occurred in front 

of a place that brings me stress. 

A place where I don’t always feel I belong. 

A place where I feel the grit and tension of in between.

It seemed a small gift this intimate place of 

sublime in between.

It was hard to leave. 

But I carry it with me.

I will remember that I can

find joy in the 

in between —

not only longing.