Be the right person

Be the right person

I was recently the recipient 

of community in action. 

I had questions about

trying something new 

and after a few phone calls,

too many not-quite-right

Youtube videos and 

articles I found 

the right person.

She patiently listened to my questions,

filled in my gaps, 

and then went the extra mile

to help me get over the 

obstacle that was before me. 

I had never met this person

before but that didn’t matter

to her because she is 

committed to community. 

How do I know this?

Well, it turns out she was

the owner of the establishment

and their website says 

they are ‘committed to 

community before anything else’. 

She helped me before 

she knew I had a different

skin color than she did, 

she didn’t ask my

religious affiliation,

and she didn’t ask my 

stances on political issues –

she just knew she had

the answer –

she knew she was the 

right person to help me. 

This was not a life-changing 

moment for me – 

meaning her assistance

was not helping me get access 

to safety or food,

but it did help me 

make progress on 

a goal that I was thinking

I was going to have to

let go of.

Pursuing community –

just for the sake of community 

can have a huge impact

in someone’s life.

It’s likely happened for

you in either big or small ways…

the right person 

stepped up for you.

Being the right person

and showing up  

can save lives

and it allows us to be

agents of God’s kingdom.

Being the right person

doesn’t necessarily mean 

you possess all the right answers,

have the most money, 

or are the most eloquent.

It simply means you see a need

and you meet it. 



The question that must be answered

Each time I stand on 

the precipice of a gap –

between what I know – 

and what I do not know –

I am surprised by

the question that 

must be answered.

I thought I already 

chose bravery?




We’ve already been 

through this.

So why, then, am I standing 

here looking at this gap

and feeling queasy?

If I turn back to known

the nausea abates,

but I wither and bitter when 

I stay in known 

for too long.

And it has been too long.

Excuses disguised as 

valid reasons cement 

my feet to what I know.

The gap stares back, 

demanding an answer,

taunting my hesitancy. 

I lift my foot and 

step forward and

the heaviness crumbles.

I choose the unknown, 


I choose bravery

and leave my excuses 

in crumbles

at the edge of the gap.















What decision are you facing today? Sit with it and realize you have a choice to make, a gap to face. Recognize the power of excuses. Name the excuses that are cementing you to the known.

You can do it. Again.

Choose bravery.


Purpose does not belong on a shelf.

Purpose does not belong on a shelf.

It’s always been there –

on the shelf –

hiding in the dark.

It’s never seen the sky

or felt the tension

on the other end of the string

as it rose

through the sky.

The kite has sat,

still in plastic,

the pricetag faded.

Here’s the truth.

I’m scared to fly it.

Afraid I will

make a mistake

and break it.

Afraid I will ask it

to do more than it can

and then we will

crash and burn

and look silly.

And so the vibrant colors

stay hidden in the closet.

The kite on the shelf

is full of purpose

but no one really

knows it is there.

It’s not meant to





And neither am I.

And neither are you.











We are meant to fly,

we are supposed to

be boisterous with our

purpose, passion, and possibilities.

We are to be color and joy

and we are to feel the tension

as we let the wind drive us

where we are supposed to go

while we are held,

tethered to the one

who created us to fly.

Storms will come.

We are tethered.

Questions will pelt us.

We are tethered.

The sun will shine.

We are tethered.

Mistakes will happen.

We are tethered.

Go ahead.

Chase the wind.

Chase your purpose.

It’s what you are made for.




Is your kite on a shelf, friend?

If you are facing storms…be encouraged, you are tethered. You’re in good hands.

A daily invitation

A daily invitation

Be who you are,

right where you are.


Just be me.

Its so much harder

then it seems it should be –

or than people

make it out to be.

No one else can be me,


but there is work required

for me, to be me.

I have to excavate

out from under the

expectations that have

been heaped on top of me,

I have to pursue truth

and disempower lies.

I have to give grace,

and at the same time,

challenge what

I’ve always believed.

And then,

I have to take

steps forward into

my purpose,


and passion.

I must embrace my quirks,

eradicate misguided habits,

and pursue the essence

of who I am.

Who I’ve always been.

This takes work,

daily work,

and years of work.

Be who you are,

right where you are

is not something we

fall into,

it’s not a simple accomplishment.

Instead, I believe it is

a daily invitation

to pursue what we

are made for.


What are some ways that you can pursue knowing yourself better?

  • Get to know the heart of God – he made you!
  • Take a personality quiz like Clifton Strengths.
  • Ask some friends about what they see in you.
  • Sit in who you are. What do you love? What would you like to make better?


Help her take the next step.

Help her take the next step.

She tentatively steps into her own. 

She wades into her space,

seeking to understand that 

it is actually hers,

unsure that she even has

enough within her to fill the space. 

Her eyes flit across the blank,

white walls and cavernous space and 

her heart starts stuttering a bit. 

“I don’t possess what this space needs. 

I don’t know how to 

put this all together 

or how to juggle all of the pieces.” 

Her uncertainty and fear

threaten to derail

her plans to move in,

to take up her space – 

she edges towards the exit.

Perhaps you’ve been there –

on the edge of the unknown 

trying to determine if 

the purpose that calls to you

is enough to make you brave –

maybe you’ve made the leap.

You remember that look –

the one where you look fear

in the eye and just keep going.

When you see someone on the edge,

doubting herself, 

her calling, 

her passion, purpose

and all her possibilities;

doubting whether she 

can or should step into

the space she’s been given – 

meet her there. 

Help her take the next step.

Remind her of truth.

Help her determine what it 

looks like to fill up her space.

Lend her your resources. 

Tell her how you did it.

Collaborate with her,

encourage her, 

pray for her, 

send her chocolate,

and remind her how brave she is.

And if you’re on

the edge right now

doubting yourself  –  

Permission Granted, brave girl,

Let’s take the next steps together.

You’re not alone.

  1. Is there someone who could use some encouragement from you? What is one way that you could walk beside her as she steps into the space she’s been given.
  2. Are you tempted to back away from possibility, purpose, and passion? What is the obstacle you are facing? Take one step towards your purpose. And don’t be afraid to reach out for support, for help, for chocolate.


I won’t pick it up.

I won’t pick it up.

We must put down what we 

should not carry –

gather only what fuels us. 

This way our hands and hearts

are free to embrace 

our purpose, passion,

and possibility.

What we don’t need –

What we can’t afford – 

What we can’t pick up –

is competition with each other. 

There’s no place for it. 

As women, we should be 

each other’s biggest cheerleaders.

When you feel tempted to 

knock someone down a level

with gossip

or when we are tempted to

judge a decision

a fellow warrior makes, 

or when it’s really hard 

to not be envious and 

question the good things

that have come her way –

Don’t do it. 

Walk away.

Don’t pick it up. 

Competition will never fuel you –

it will only steal from you.

Link arms with those who are pursuing

passion, purpose, and possibility

alongside of you –

simply because you have

this pursuit in common.

This is the only 


that is necessary –

let’s be in the same fight, 

on the same team.

We are better

when we support

and encourage 

and leave competition 

on the ground to pave 

the way towards 

a vibrant future

where women 

take up all the 

space they need to.

We have no room

no time,

no need, 

for competition. 

I won’t pick it up.

How can you support other women who are alongside you in the pursuit of possibility, passion, and purpose?