Feb 1, 2021 | Permission Granted, Trust |
I thought things
were under control –
until they weren’t
and I am still unsure
exactly where it all
how I came to
the end of myself.
And yet that’s
where I ended up.
At the end of myself.
It would
seem that
at one’s end
But you were there.
You caught me.
You held me.
And you taught me
about who you are
and who I am.
You made it known
to me that I am
not the sum of
what goes right
in my world.
In fact, I am
more than that
I am
and eternity
is within me
because you
are in me.
These mysteries
are out of my control.
and somehow
that’s okay with me.
The end of myself
is no longer
a place that I fear.
It’s the place
where I rest.
Where I am the
most empty
and yet
every need is met.
A wonder.
I am amazed
at what you
revealed to me;
honored by the
way you showed
me who you are
in the midst of
Jan 22, 2021 | Do The Hard Thing, Encouragement, Enough, Permission Granted |
Dec 8, 2020 | Be you, Encouragement, Enough |
Hey, skinny jeans.
I know that you have
felt my absence.
It’s nothing personal…
I still like you.
I also like breathing.
Things have changed
in the last 10 months
and what was once
‘fit like a glove’
is now painful contortion.
It’s not you.
It’s me.
You can’t encompass
the results of
my coping mechanisms.
ice cream,
sitting in a chair and writing,
watching movies with the kids,
and lots of snacks, and not an
equal amount of walks,
have been my regulars.
It would be unfair
to us both
to ask you to
hold all of me.
I should tell you,
I don’t feel badly
when I pass you over
each day.
I don’t feel guilt or shame
that my curves no longer fit
within your seams.
You require that I be less,
but I am more.
I’ve changed.
I am stronger than I’ve ever been before.
I’ve seen more and felt more.
I’ve hurt more.
I am softer.
I am more reliant.
I need more than I thought.
I need less than I thought.
A paradox like the rest of life.
Skinny jeans –
It’s not you,
it’s me.
You ask me to be less,
but I am more.
Oct 21, 2020 | Becoming, Do The Hard Thing, Grow |
I planted silk flowers
in my garden
in my quest for beauty.
They don’t fool
for long.
They look
garish and cheap
even when the
sun shines.
When I make a show
and water
their plastic roots with
my polkadot watering can
they are still dead.
It’s not real beauty.
Counterfeit beauty
is an illusion
with nothing to offer.
Real beauty doesn’t
have a shortcut.
Real beauty
has depth and grit.
Real beauty
plants seeds,
spawns life,
shares sustenance,
spreads joy.
I will do the work.
I will bloom
for real.
How will you cultivate real beauty within?
Oct 14, 2020 | hope, Permission Granted, Trust |
is present in
hope can’t be
shut out
covered up
the signposts of hope
will surprise you and
you will find
in places
you don’t
stay expectant
watch for it
when hope
shows up
don’t discount it
don’t argue with it
follow its lead
it will feed your soul
What are some practices that keep you expectant? Where do you see hope?