Truth is louder

Truth is louder

Doubt won’t let me be great. 

I have ideas

but doubt says they’re dumb. 

Too often the ideas 

stay nebulous 

and never become 

living, breathing entities.

You can blame doubt for that. 

I walk into a room 

full of peers and 

question whether I belong,

wonder if there’s even

something I can offer. 

I stick to the periphery 

so that the opinion 

I imagine others have of me

won’t collude with 

my own doubt. 

I’m just not sure I’ve 

got the fortitude to take 

all of it on. 

Doubt won’t let me be great. 

Some days I struggle with

purpose, passion, and possibilities – 

is it really worth pursuing these?

Are these selfish pursuits?

Doubt always has a word. 

Doubt is loud. 

Doubt is persistent. 

Doubt is strong. 

Often I forget there are

other voices – 

Doubt’s isn’t the only 

voice I hear. 

What if I 

listen to the voice 

that created me 

and put purpose within me?

What happens if I 

train my heart to hear

the voice that says

there’s work for me to do?

It’s not all doubt’s fault. 

I choose what I listen to. 

When doubt is loud 

it is because I have 

forgotten who I am.

Doubt distracts me from 

what is most important

with slams and straight up lies.


Truth has more to say. 

Truth is louder than doubt.

Truth will persevere.

Truth is stronger.

I’m gonna listen to Truth.


Pieces of her

Pieces of her

She found a piece of herself

under the couch last month. 

It was dusty and covered in Cheerio crumbs

but it definitely belonged to her.

It was hard to tell 

but she thinks it might be her sense of adventure.

Last week she opened a box in the attic 

and was shocked to find 

her drive for justice in the box

with her high school yearbooks.

She sets the found pieces

in a box, next to her jewelry. 

She doesn’t think about them again

until she finds a paintbrush

buried in the junk drawer in the bathroom.

Her heart trips over itself

at the sight of a long-lost love.

She used to be known as

the artist. 

It joins the other pieces on her dresser.

The next day, during a long afternoon at work 

she re-discovers her ambition via 

an email search. 

She found it in an email about a business idea

from when she first graduated college.

It is still a good idea. 

She creates a folder titled:

Business Idea

and moves the email there so she 

can come back to it.

That evening

as she puts the girls’ clothes away

she squeals when she finds 

one of her favorite toys 

from when she was a girl.

She realizes then, that its been

a long time since she

felt joy that 

relishes the simple things. 

She carries the little toy 

to join the rest of the pieces of her. 

When she looks up

from her jewelry tray 

she catches her reflection

in the mirror and 


All this time she thought she was

a whole person,

pursuing all that she is meant to,

but now that she’s discovered

misplaced pieces of her,

she takes stock. 

Is anything else missing?

How do I incorporate these

pieces of me back into my life,

where they rightfully belong?

Without them, 

I am not wholly me.

Her heart quickens, 

beats to redeem

lost time. 

She calls for the girls as she grabs 

her paintbrush and

runs to the playroom.

For now,

any paint will do.

She has to paint right this minute.

To put the pieces back together.

To be whole. 

To be all that she is meant to be. 



What hope feels like

What hope feels like

The pitch darkness

makes her stumble. 

It doesn’t matter if her eyes are

open or closed – 

the light is the same. 

She keeps to herself, 

keeps herself small

so that she doesn’t 

end up with bumps and bruises.

she shuffles imperceptibly.

Her lack of confidence is

because she is 

swaddled in uncertainty. 

Her movement,

her thoughts,




Her dreams – 


What ifs

keep her a prisoner

to what has always been. 

She sits and waits for…

she doesn’t know. 

She waits but 

doesn’t know why…

an invitation perhaps?

An invitation to leave

the dark and  

cross the threshold 

into brave.

Will it ever arrive?

Whatever it is?

This waiting game

is draining life from her. 

She crashes into the nightstand

and hears a

rolling in the drawer. 

She grasps in the dark

and pulls open the drawer

and shuffles through madness.

Her hands find round, tapered. 

Her heart skips a beat. 

Is this what hope feels like?













Her hands flit around the item

and she knows, she just knows, 

it is a candle. 

She reaches into the drawer again,

in search of matches. 

She finds a box.

She lights the candle.

Holds her breath.

And she can see. 

And she remembers.

She remembers the invitation

sent long ago. 

She remembers who she is. 

Ahh, yes.

This is hope. 

The small light gives her enough to see

and certainty takes root in her heart. 

The small light is like a

spotlight on her soul.

It stirs dreams, 

stokes hope,

and she believes that there’s 

possibilities for her 

beyond this smallness

that she has been relegated to. 

The light reminds her 

of her worth, 

enables her to see

the door to the room 

she has been shut in for so long. 

She turns towards the door

with steps of purpose.

She turns the knob and 

steps into brave –

taking the candle with her.  




Are you in the dark, friend?

Find truth, seek light, and remember that you were made on purpose, for a purpose.

Are you hiding in darkness?

Cling to light and step into brave.