**If you are stopping by to visit because of the post on #CommunicatorAcademy – Welcome! Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate that you took the time to come and visit! Don’t be a stranger!

Here’s a link to that post if you are interested in reading. https://www.communicatoracademy.com/2018/01/24/communicators-dilemma-can-let-go-outcome/


“You have to try these oranges! They are so sweet!”

My husband bought the oranges for the kids’ lunches but

opened one to share with me.

The small segments were heavy with juice.

I popped an orange gem in my mouth

and was surprised to find my tastebuds

overwhelmed with the sweetest juice.

The fruit was a surprise, a thoughtful gesture

and it made me crave more good things.

So then I had an apple.

And then I sat down to write as I ate my crunchy apple.

Good makes me crave good.

Fruit makes me crave fruit.

I reach for fruit instead of another snack that might not be

as good of a choice.

I am coming off a small sugar trip

because there were cookies in the house.

I texted my sisters and mom to say that the

good news was that the cookies were gone and

the bad news was that I polished them off.

If there’s stuff that’s not good for me within reach –

there’s a good chance I will grab it.

It is the same with the fruit of the Spirit and my own nature.

When I am walking close with God and he grows fruit in my life,

I want to keep walking in that way.

I want to be someone

whose life exhibits love, joy, peace, patience,

kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

When I focus on me instead of the others-focused fruit,

I partake in things that are not good for me and

so I am unable to give good things to others.

On my own – I focus on me – it’s so easy to do.

It’s natural to focus on what I need, what I am not getting, what I want.

In fact, I can spend days considering what isn’t and what should change –

so that things are better for me.

Eventually, I get tired of living for me and distraught over

how my choices leave me on empty –

there’s nothing to give to the world, my family or friends.

I start to crave fruit.

I start to want more than what I am capable of on my own.

I desire to be Spirit-led rather than being led by my own selfishness.

I desire to be someone whose life produces fruit and

encourages others to desire fruit.

When I am in step with the Spirit

I am challenged to pursue the things that are not of me.

And only then can I give to others the fruit that is not of me.


Search For Kindling

When you find that you are in a place of self-focus, how do you find your way out of that?

What helps you shift your focus, what helps you crave what is good?

Which fruit is the biggest struggle for you? Why? Take a moment and pray about that fruit.