It’s always been true. 

I am not what I do. 

I am not the sum of 

what I check off 

on the to-do list. 

I’ve always believed that,

even if sometimes I’ve 

not acted like it. 

And I am struggling 

to remember.

Here in this time. 

Here in this space. 

I am not what I do. 

I am not what I accomplish 

in a day.

I am more than 

what my house 

looks like. 

I am above and beyond

what is for dinner. 

I am still a creative person

even if I can’t seem 

to start something 

new right now.

I may not come out

on the other side 

of this having 

checked off boxes 

on my quarantine 

bucket list. 

I’m in some sort of

wrestling match.

I want to do more

and yet

I’m struggling 

to remember

what is true.

Here in this time.

Here in this space.

I need to 

remember who I am, 

remember my roots,

remember what centers me, 

who holds my hand.

I need to 

dig deep.

Show up 

for my family

and friends. 

All I need to do 

is be present.

That’s it –

still means I’ve got

to dig deep.

I will show up.
