We must put down what we 

should not carry –

gather only what fuels us. 

This way our hands and hearts

are free to embrace 

our purpose, passion,

and possibility.

What we don’t need –

What we can’t afford – 

What we can’t pick up –

is competition with each other. 

There’s no place for it. 

As women, we should be 

each other’s biggest cheerleaders.

When you feel tempted to 

knock someone down a level

with gossip

or when we are tempted to

judge a decision

a fellow warrior makes, 

or when it’s really hard 

to not be envious and 

question the good things

that have come her way –

Don’t do it. 

Walk away.

Don’t pick it up. 

Competition will never fuel you –

it will only steal from you.

Link arms with those who are pursuing

passion, purpose, and possibility

alongside of you –

simply because you have

this pursuit in common.

This is the only 


that is necessary –

let’s be in the same fight, 

on the same team.

We are better

when we support

and encourage 

and leave competition 

on the ground to pave 

the way towards 

a vibrant future

where women 

take up all the 

space they need to.

We have no room

no time,

no need, 

for competition. 

I won’t pick it up.

How can you support other women who are alongside you in the pursuit of possibility, passion, and purpose?