When a mom says she is drowning.

You listen.

And then you say something

and then

you do something.

Say me too.

Say truth.

Say I understand.

Share hope.

And/or cry with her.

Hug her.

 (this may have been a drowning day for me!)

And then

Buy her chocolate.

Meet her for coffee.

Plan a Mom’s Night out.

Watch a silly chick flick or

a sci-fi and eat

gummy bears and popcorn.

Pray with her.

Send her a card.

Drop a coffee and bagel on her

doorstep and run.

Love her kids.

Praise her kids.

Go shopping with her.

Run with her.

Send her a note in the mail.

Text her and say hi.

Meet at a bookstore and discuss

a book you are both reading.

Paint pottery together.

Whatever you do…

When a mom says she is drowning.

You listen.

And then you say something

and then

you do something.