Seda, our dog,
has a favorite branch
that is 4 times her length.
She attacks it and
fights with it.
She drags it around
the yard in circles
because that’s really all
one can accomplish
with such an wieldy foe.
She growls and
wages war against
the stick
that won’t let her win –
the very one that she
chooses to pick up.
I grabbed my phone
recently to record
the futile battle.
I stood in amazement
as she tried to tell
the stick what was what.
She was fighting with
something that she picked
up out of her volition.
She pursued it.
She clung to it.
She sunk her teeth into
a branch
that required all
of her attention.
She couldn’t do
anything she was good at –
running, chasing the frisbee
tracking the movements of
the chipmunks.
The stick.
What do I choose to
sink my teeth into,
fight with,
that diverts energy
from where it should be?
What do I growl at,
take a defensive
stance against,
wrestle with
that distracts me from
what I am actually
meant for?
I will admit that
I routinely wage war
with Expectations
and Preferences.
I sink my teeth in and
get angry about the
very thing that
is within my power
to release.
Anyone else
need to let go
of something?
What do you need to let go of?