- I will be able to go to the bathroom without being asked what is for snack.
- I can run to the store without 6 extra hands.
- I won’t hear “__________ did __________ to me.” on repeat.
- I won’t have to hear opinions when I make another (AGAIN?!!) run through the Starbucks drive-thru.
- I will again possess the ability to process a situation/issue/concern in silence and use all my brain power at once to do so.
- I can write/work without interruption (I am still relearning this).
- My shower schedule will not be predicated upon whether the plans for the day include the pool.
- A productive day will mean an actual productive day not just that I fed the kids, we went to the pool, and there were no injuries (at least nothing major).
- I will actually get dressed (not just throw on whatever) and feel less like a bum.
- The house will stay a bit more tidy.
- We will be back in a routine and though the day starts way too early, routine is good.
- I can make plans to have lunch with a friend again!
- There’s a bit of a reset at back-to-school time and I am thankful for that.
- The weekends will be back! During school, the weekends are cherished and anticipated by all!