A daily invitation

A daily invitation

Be who you are,

right where you are.


Just be me.

Its so much harder

then it seems it should be –

or than people

make it out to be.

No one else can be me,


but there is work required

for me, to be me.

I have to excavate

out from under the

expectations that have

been heaped on top of me,

I have to pursue truth

and disempower lies.

I have to give grace,

and at the same time,

challenge what

I’ve always believed.

And then,

I have to take

steps forward into

my purpose,


and passion.

I must embrace my quirks,

eradicate misguided habits,

and pursue the essence

of who I am.

Who I’ve always been.

This takes work,

daily work,

and years of work.

Be who you are,

right where you are

is not something we

fall into,

it’s not a simple accomplishment.

Instead, I believe it is

a daily invitation

to pursue what we

are made for.


What are some ways that you can pursue knowing yourself better?

  • Get to know the heart of God – he made you!
  • Take a personality quiz like Clifton Strengths.
  • Ask some friends about what they see in you.
  • Sit in who you are. What do you love? What would you like to make better?


The Invisible Things.

The Invisible Things.

The mess on the counter.

The weeds that need pulled.

The dog that needs walked, 

The kids that need fed.

The husband that will soon come home.

The broken outlet plate. 

All things I can touch, 

clean, fix, mend, love.

I can hold these things, 

and take care of them,

Hug them, make it better.

I can clean off the counter

and walk away with things

as they should be.

It is, for the moment, 


I also deal with 

invisible things.









I can’t cross these things

off my list. 

I can’t hold these 

in my hand;

touch them, grasp them, capture them.

We are dealing with invisible things.

I can’t fix these with an 

hour’s focused work. 

Every time I turn around

these things 

are still there.

Even though I usually

ignore them.

 My relationship with 

most invisible things is

that I trip over them. 

On my face again

and this conversation, again.


You’re still here.

I was hoping if I ignored you,

you would just disappear.”

Even when I give the attention

that the invisible things need, 

I usually only last for so long. 

It’s just too easy to go back to




check-it-off the list

type of things.

The temptation is real to 

only deal with visible. 

But life is made of 

invisible things, too. 

When I ignore the invisible 

I am living 

a partial life, 


partial joy, 

partial growth, 

partial peace.

I have to give myself

permission to see

and deal with 

invisible things.

I’m learning that

a full, congruent life

includes integrating the invisible things

among the visible.

This way I run

instead of trip.


What invisible things are you tripping over? What needs your attention?

Are you living a whole life? You have permission to attend to the invisible things.


Define the obstacle.

Define the obstacle.

I had to give myself permission this week.

I have been holding off on a next step.

It wasn’t a huge step, 

but each step matters 

and anyway, 

what really matters

is that you take them. 

But I was a bit stuck.

I wasn’t taking the step.

This next step sat in 

a bag that I walked 

around and moved 

to different locations

in the house  

for a few weeks. 

I had not put eyes on it

since I had brought it 

to its new home. 

New home?

This belongs with me?


This is for me?

I am not sure that I deserve it 

or that my work really warrants it…

and so it sat.

I just didn’t think that

what I do, 

what I create, 

was enough 

to warrant this tool –

a brand new computer.

The one sitting in the bag

in different locations

around the house.

See, this computer represents

me taking up my space –

It means I am really doing 

this work of writing –

this work of creating. 

And so it sat as I rushed

past it each day 

until I was more frustrated with 

sitting on the edge, with the full 

knowledge of what I needed to do,

than unnerved about just taking the next step.

Sometimes the obstacles,

the blocks,

that try to keep us 

from what we are made for 

don’t really make sense to 

other people.

This fact doesn’t make the 

obstacle any smaller.

It just makes it harder to 

define, describe, and to find a 

detour around it

or a way through it. 

Also, this fact should 

not deter us from sharing 

about our obstacles!

I shared about this block

I had with some trusted friends

and just saying it out loud 

made a big difference.

Be brave and attempt to 

define your obstacle 

knowing it may not make sense

to others but that

sharing about it 

will weaken the 

hold it has on you.

The encouragement 

I received

helped me take 

my next step.

This post is written

and posted from 

my new computer. 


  1. Name your obstacle.
  2. Define it.
  3. Share it.
  4. Link arms with trusted friends.
  5. Overcome it.
See the evidence of love.

See the evidence of love.

These pants sat in our closet next to the hamper for a couple of weeks. I assumed it was because my husband wanted them washed separately so that I didn’t put them in the dryer.

I never gave it too much thought, I figured I would get to it eventually. Eventually was today.

I picked them up today to wash them and discovered they were covered in flour and cocoa powder – from when he made my birthday cake. The pants needed to be treated with the stain stick and that is why they were set aside.

He made my birthday cake.


We misunderstand each other a lot.

Stress doesn’t bring out the best in us.

We are often in different books, let alone not on the same page.

We struggle to ‘see’ the evidence of each other’s love.

The details and burdens of daily life with home, work, three kids, a dog and a cat cloud what is present…

Obscure what is…

Seemingly negate the mundane expressions of love that are there but blend into the background of 18 years of marriage.

I sat down in the kitchen where the sun poured through the windows and held the pants.

I mean, I throughly enjoyed the cake, but I somehow missed unwrapping the gift of him making the cake for me.

But here I sit holding the pants that he wore late at night and bear the evidence of love and a commitment to celebrating my birthday.

He’s messy in the kitchen.

I’ve never been thankful for that before, but today I was.

I was hesitant to wash the pants, unwilling to get rid of this evidence, but I decided he might like to wear his pants again – sans cocoa and flour.

So I took a picture of his pants.

And then I treated the spots on the pants, just in case they were stubborn and I let the pants sit to be sure the treatment had time to work. I put them in the wash and made a mental note to be sure to not put them in the dryer…

because love is in the details,

in the mundane moments that

we sometimes forget to look for.


Permission granted to look harder than you think you should have to. Give grace and sit in the sun and relish the evidence you find.


Help her take the next step.

Help her take the next step.

She tentatively steps into her own. 

She wades into her space,

seeking to understand that 

it is actually hers,

unsure that she even has

enough within her to fill the space. 

Her eyes flit across the blank,

white walls and cavernous space and 

her heart starts stuttering a bit. 

“I don’t possess what this space needs. 

I don’t know how to 

put this all together 

or how to juggle all of the pieces.” 

Her uncertainty and fear

threaten to derail

her plans to move in,

to take up her space – 

she edges towards the exit.

Perhaps you’ve been there –

on the edge of the unknown 

trying to determine if 

the purpose that calls to you

is enough to make you brave –

maybe you’ve made the leap.

You remember that look –

the one where you look fear

in the eye and just keep going.

When you see someone on the edge,

doubting herself, 

her calling, 

her passion, purpose

and all her possibilities;

doubting whether she 

can or should step into

the space she’s been given – 

meet her there. 

Help her take the next step.

Remind her of truth.

Help her determine what it 

looks like to fill up her space.

Lend her your resources. 

Tell her how you did it.

Collaborate with her,

encourage her, 

pray for her, 

send her chocolate,

and remind her how brave she is.

And if you’re on

the edge right now

doubting yourself  –  

Permission Granted, brave girl,

Let’s take the next steps together.

You’re not alone.

  1. Is there someone who could use some encouragement from you? What is one way that you could walk beside her as she steps into the space she’s been given.
  2. Are you tempted to back away from possibility, purpose, and passion? What is the obstacle you are facing? Take one step towards your purpose. And don’t be afraid to reach out for support, for help, for chocolate.


Pick up purpose, possibility, and passion

Pick up purpose, possibility, and passion


We are gatherers.

It’s our default setting.

It’s been that way for a long time.

This way of being

has allowed us to provide 

for our families and our communities. 

We are beasts when it 

comes to gathering

memories, groceries, friends, fun, and knowledge.

We round up legos, hope, craft supplies,

library books, and others around a cause

because it’s a skill we’ve honed.

We keep an arsenal of encouragement,

peacemaking, and perseverance 

in storage. 

Our hands are full.

Our hearts are full.

Our lives are full.

We are gatherers.


a shift is needed.

Our world needs us in 

different ways now. 

We need to use our voices more. 

We must pursue ways for our

unique strengths to be utilized

because without them,

there’s a great lack.

We have to step into the space

that we’ve been given 

or create our own – 

and not apologize for it.

Why would we apologize 

for the talents and skills we’ve 

been given and have developed?

We must pursue our passions

so that our full potential is met.

In order to do that

we might have to 

put some things down.

We are going to have to let go

of the way things have always been.

We can’t carry the expectations

that others have of us. 

We need to lighten our load

and release the roles that we no 

longer need to own

so that we can soldier on

with what is most important.

Put it down – 

whatever is unnecessary, 

whatever encumbers, 

whatever threatens to strangle 

our hope and our passion to 

see our world thrive. 

Lighten your load

so that you can carry

the joy of purpose,


and passion. 

Step into what you 

were made for. 

No apologies. 

No extra baggage. 

Gather only 

what fuels you. 

Permission Granted.

Are you carrying something that is keeping you from carrying your passion to your full potential? Name it. Is it something that you must carry?