Bravery is not a guarantee

Bravery is not a guarantee

Bravery is not a guarantee.

Bravery is not a trade for

the outcome you desire.

Bravery is just the 

next step you take. 

We don’t know what is

around the corner

but the next step

must still be taken.

It is an exercise in trust,

but don’t forget – 

you’re in good hands.



in the company of fear,

hope, and trust

is the engine to take you to 

where you are supposed to be.

Some days will be hard and you

will be tempted to believe that bravery 

has been overtaken by fear.

Fear is just the reminder 

that you can’t do life alone. 

Fear is just a warning bell 

that you are relying too much

on yourself. 

It’s time to trust and put fear in its place.


is a lot of small steps – 

not giant leaps. 

Small steps forward,

are steps in the right direction

and don’t be tempted to 

even think they don’t count. 

We can celebrate the little wins

and use those to build courage. 

The fails?

Those are our guardrails

to help keep us on the 

path we are supposed to be on. 

There are no guarantees…

except that 

bravery equals growth. 



Truth is louder

Truth is louder

Doubt won’t let me be great. 

I have ideas

but doubt says they’re dumb. 

Too often the ideas 

stay nebulous 

and never become 

living, breathing entities.

You can blame doubt for that. 

I walk into a room 

full of peers and 

question whether I belong,

wonder if there’s even

something I can offer. 

I stick to the periphery 

so that the opinion 

I imagine others have of me

won’t collude with 

my own doubt. 

I’m just not sure I’ve 

got the fortitude to take 

all of it on. 

Doubt won’t let me be great. 

Some days I struggle with

purpose, passion, and possibilities – 

is it really worth pursuing these?

Are these selfish pursuits?

Doubt always has a word. 

Doubt is loud. 

Doubt is persistent. 

Doubt is strong. 

Often I forget there are

other voices – 

Doubt’s isn’t the only 

voice I hear. 

What if I 

listen to the voice 

that created me 

and put purpose within me?

What happens if I 

train my heart to hear

the voice that says

there’s work for me to do?

It’s not all doubt’s fault. 

I choose what I listen to. 

When doubt is loud 

it is because I have 

forgotten who I am.

Doubt distracts me from 

what is most important

with slams and straight up lies.


Truth has more to say. 

Truth is louder than doubt.

Truth will persevere.

Truth is stronger.

I’m gonna listen to Truth.


Stuck on a tightrope

Stuck on a tightrope

I’ve stranded myself

in the middle of a tightrope.

Maybe that is where 

you are now…

worn out from 

maintaining the status quo,

but you are frozen in place.

Every muscle works 

at maximum capacity

to keep you

safe, steady, and stuck.

I’ve been there –

working hard

and doing what 

should be done,

but not budging an inch.

Working hard to 

keep balance

even though I can 

see what I want is 

on the other side 

of the chasm. 

There’s a lot of questions

between here and there. 

A whole lot of strenuous,

tedious, teetering steps

to be taken. 

The choice is:

stay or move forward. 

Is it more scary to stay

in a precarious place

and work so hard

to not move at all?

Or is it scarier  

to never know what 

it is like to cross

the chasm to 

dance and

take up your space 

where you belong?

Proceed with fear. 

It is time.

One step, 

then two. 

No more stuck

on a tightrope.




What will be your one step for today?

Where we come from

Where we come from

When I am driving 

a long distance at a solid

73 miles an hour

I often wonder where the 

cars I am traveling 

beside are headed.

Where are they going?

The car with the license plate

from Maine –  

are they headed

home or are they 

just arriving to their


I had just left 

family in Charlotte 

and was headed home.

I knew where I was headed

but no one else

driving beside me

knows where I am going.

They might see my license plate

and figure I might 

be on my way home.

But there’s no way to know. 

It struck me then: 

Where we come from

doesn’t dictate

where we are going.

What you’ve been through

doesn’t determine your


Our struggles,


the addictions we fight, 

and past failures

are not the deciding 

factors of where 

we go in this life.

These are strong influencers 

in our lives 

but they don’t 

get to decide

the end result.

We are meant for

life to the full 

and if that means

you must drive 

in the opposite 

direction of what you’ve 

been through – 

then put the 

pedal to the metal.

Where you and I are from 

may not be 

all that we 

are meant for. 





await our pursuit.

Turn up the music, 

put the windows


let the wind

breathe purpose into you,

and drive on.





Where are you headed, friend?

Which friends and what resources do you need to help you get to a place of purpose, passion, and possibility?




Let the light do its work

Let the light do its work

I stand in the backyard.

There are more leaves 

on the ground

since yesterday. 

The morning is cool

and so I seek the sun.

I step into the rays

and can’t help but

notice that the

sun is in a different spot. 

The light has moved. 

I turned, to see where it was

that the sun used to hit. 

Ah, yes, that plant

is probably glad 

for the shift in the 

sun’s rays. 

The seasons of the soul

are not unlike the seasons 

of the earth. 

There are times that the 

light shines on one aspect

of life and that which 

is lit up

consumes us for a bit,

holds our attention

in a bright embrace.

And then the light shifts.

That which is now

in the sun’s path

is warming,

becoming pliable, 


so that change can happen. 

When the sun shifts off

of one part of who we are,

it is so that it can

cool and harden.

So that

what was once pliable 

can be solid.

So that it doesn’t move. 

So that what we’ve learned

in that season 

can be built upon in

another season. 

What is the light shining on now?

Is it causing you to



feel undone?

This is what growth feels like. 

Let the light do its work.



Upon closer inspection

Upon closer inspection

If you look at my calendar

you would think it is a mess.

The same could be said for my car,

the basement, my desktop, and the laundry room.

My hope is that upon closer inspection,

you might be able to look past

the insanity, the yogurt splashes,

the boxes, the piles of shoes –

and see who I am.

The messes are messes, yes,

but there’s likely a reason they are there

and they don’t define who I am.

This is also true for my personality flaws –

and yours –

they are there for a reason,

but they don’t define

who we are.

I invite you to look past my flaws –

just as you would want me to

look past yours.

I also wish for you to help

me with my messes –

just because stubbornness

and a yogurt-splashed car

are a part of my life

doesn’t mean

I can’t make changes.

We are not forced to

stay in a mold

we can change,



into people who pursue their best –

not just for their own sakes

but for the world around us.

Let’s give each other permission –

to be who we are,

right where we are…

but let’s also give permission

for others to speak

into the spaces where we

need to grow.
